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Greyhounds Saved Painting by Shirley Dutchkowski

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Comments (11)

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L …voted for this piece in the contest ANIMAL PAINTING

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular watercolor composition, lighting, shading, colors and artwork! F/L … voted for this piece in the contest BEAUTIFUL WATERCOLORS SPECIAL FEATURE

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

Shirley, thank you for calling attention to the sensitivity of animals, especially dogs. They are so often abused. My little guy was a rescue to you! This is such a beautiful homage to this ethereal breed. LF

Thanks Laurel!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding capture, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L … voted for this piece in HAND PAINTED COLOR FINE ART ONLY - NO COMPUTER ART contest!


Jeff Burgess

Jeff Burgess

Very nice watercolor... Love it.

Thanks Jeff

MaryJane Sesto

MaryJane Sesto

Beautiful Artwork, Shirley! L/F


Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly


Thank you

Irina Sztukowski

Irina Sztukowski

Congratulations on your sale!

Thank you

Murray Rudd

Murray Rudd

Congratulations on being featured in the FAA Group 'Promote Your Work Here and Get Noticed.' To ensure your feature remains available over time, post your featured image(s) in the Group's featured image archive (l/f and pinned,

Dean Wittle

Dean Wittle

Congratulations on today's sale! L/F

Thank you so much

Peggy Collins

Peggy Collins

Wonderful work, Shirley!

Thank you Peggy

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Greyhounds Saved by Shirley Dutchkowski
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